The following steps will allow you to conduct a forced regen of the diesel particulate filter on the above mentioned vehicle
VERY IMPORTANT: Complete the procedure below with the bonnet open and in a wide open area.
Make sure the engine is completely warm, above 70C (if not up to FULL operating temp the procedure will not work).
1. Start the engine.
2. Connect the pin in the red circle (in the pic below) to earth (chassis).
3. Press the accelerator to the floor and release 2 times.
4. The engine RPMs will increase to around 1850 automatically. If it does not, the regen has not started and you need to start back at point (2)
5. The DPF forced regen process will take between 40 and 80 mins depending on how badly blocked the DPF is.
NB. Do not touch the accelerator or clutch as this will cancel the regen cycle. To purposefully cancel the forced regen, place the vehicle into 1st gear.
6. When the engine returns to idle remove the wire to chassis and let the engine cool for a few minutes before shutting down.
Don’t forget to change the engine oil and filter as the oil will have become heavily contaminated.
How to reset DPF after cleaning process
1. Switch ignition to “ON” position. (engine off)
2. Connect the pin in the red circle (in the pic below) to earth (chassis).
3. Press the accelerator to the floor and release 2 times.
NB The glow plug light flashes 2 times when resetting is complete.
4. Switch ignition to “OFF” position.
5. Remove the wire from the pin and chassis.
How to reset after an oil change
1. Switch ignition to “ON” position. (engine off)
2. Connect the pin in the red circle (in the pic below) to earth (chassis).
3. Press the accelerator to the floor and release 5 times.
NB The glow plug light flashes 5 times when resetting is complete.
4. Switch ignition to “OFF” position.
5. Remove the wire from the pin and chassis.
If this fails repeat from step (2).

How to recalibrate injectors
The injector calibration can be a bit tricky to get right the first time so if at first you don’t succeed, try again.
1. Make sure the engine is up to full operating temperature (This is important).
2. Start the engine.
3. Connect the pin in the red circle (see pic above) 5 times within 5 sec. to earth (chassis).
4. The glow plug light flashes 5 times when the calibration is finish (< 3 min).
5. If this fails repeat from step (2).
1. Check oil quality. Oil quality MUST be good. If the oil quality is poor or very watery you MUST change the oil.
2. Warm up the car, take it for a drive.
3. Conduct DPF Regen. This take approx. 20 – 40 mins.
4. Change Oil and Filer.
5. Reset Oil Counters.
6. Reset DPF Counters.
7. Calibrate the injectors.
8. Finish.